Actual Bounce Rate vs. Bounce Rate, and Why the Difference Matters for SEO

I’ve written extensively about bounce rate on my blog over the past several years, including how to lower your bounce rate, blog bounce rate, homepage bounce rate, etc., but I’ve never written about how it’s connected to SEO.  Bounce rate is an incredibly powerful metric that can tell you a lot about campaign performance and the quality of your content in a very short amount of time.  If you’re not that familiar with Bounce Rate, it’s the percentage of visits that arrive on your site, visit no other pages, and then leave. Those visitors simply visit one page on your site.  From a conversion optimization standpoint, the more you can lower your bounce rate, the more opportunity you have to convert visitors.  But although bounce rate optimization is extremely important, it’s not the focus of my post today.  Instead, I want to focus on how bounce rate impacts SEO, and specifically, how ACTUAL bounce rate affects SEO.  More on the distinction between bounce rate and actual bounce rate soon.  First, let’s quickly explore an introduction to quality content from a search engine perspective.

See the article here:
Actual Bounce Rate vs. Bounce Rate, and Why the Difference Matters for SEO


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